After a long time, Orca finally put down the parchment with many words written on it, looked up at Drizzt carefully and said with a inquiring tone, "Are these all the information from the German prisoners?"
"Yes," twist respectfully nodded. "Enrique personally questioned the whole interrogation process, believing that Enrique was capable of hiding what the Germanic captives knew."
"Well," I heard that I was trained by myself, but shine on you was better than Blue in interrogation skills and strategies. Enrique personally participated in the interrogation of prisoners. Okami nodded, but then his face became more and more dignified and muttered to himself. "So at present, the three ethnic groups of Anglo, Saxon and Jute in the whole northeast of Scotland have gathered more than 60,000 people, including nearly 10,000 troops, and the number of people crossing the sea is still increasing … This is not good news .."
"It’s true that at the end of the complicated situation, searching for information will take the liberty to think that our army should not be involved in the Celtic-Germanic war for the time being." However, to Orca’s surprise, after hearing his own words and sending information, he has been silent. Drizzt suddenly said
"Huh?" Oka’s face’ dew’ raised his eyes in surprise and looked at Drizzt, who looked straight at him and was full of calm. "Hehe, it seems that you have finally adapted to your present job."
"I don’t know," replied Drizzt, which surprised Orca again.
"Ha ha ha ~ ~ ~ Well said!" Oka paused and then suddenly burst out laughing. "Drizzt, you are an honest man, which is why I value you." In the laughter, Oka got up and walked to Drizzt. Oka had already changed a very serious expression. "In fact, I appreciate the fact that the Knights of the Round Table set up the Eagle Knights in the province. It was only when I saw you that I suddenly imagined how reliable and powerful a group of’ fine’ sharp cavalry with loyal beliefs and excellent fighting skills were."
Drizzt didn’t speak, but keen Orca observed a flicker of memory in his eyes, so he went on to say, "But it’s a pity that Arthur himself took the lead in violating the high creed of the knight-loyalty! Imperial rule in Britain is legal and just. Imperial Britain has brought everything, and introduced this place from ignorance and barbarism into the kingdom of literature! You are all subjects of the empire, and your interests, freedom and honor are all given by the empire, but Arthur has turned his back on them. I am sorry. "
Speaking of this, Oka took a deep look at Drizzt and turned back to the table. He sat down from a thick stack of papers placed on the table and pushed him to Drizzt. Then he said, "But I can understand that Arthur’s choice of family ties and personal ambitions eventually prompted him to take a sinful step. There is no doubt that he will be punished as he deserves, but I guarantee in the name of God that he will never be accused of additional crimes or framed and treated cruelly, and I will forgive all the members of the Knights of the Round Table if they are willing to abandon the secret vote."
After Oka finished speaking, the room was silent for a long time before he heard Drizzt respond with "thank you" in a hesitant but unquestionable sincere tone.
Instead of being dissatisfied with such a "concise" answer, Oka smiled happily, so the atmosphere of "talking" seemed to be much easier
"You know what? When Arthur arrived in London, I had learned some information that was not good for him, but I gave him a choice. Unfortunately, I didn’t seem to understand it. "Oka pointed to the information on the table and said," But it’s a pity that I had known that I wouldn’t just ask Arthur for you and geraint. I would directly put the Knights of the Round Table under my command. "
At this time, Drizzt’s face finally showed surprise. Obviously, for a person who is actually simple and honest in terms of’ sex’, Drizzt imagined this kind of almost robber practice, but somehow Drizzt gave birth to a strange mood in his heart when he heard these words.
"All right, Drizzt, these things have passed." Seeing Drizzt, who has never changed his expression, has been carefully observing him. Orca curled up a smile at the corner of his mouth and suddenly interrupted the former’s thinking. "You need to remember that now you are no longer a member of the Order of the Round Table who rebelled against chaos, but an imperial noble knight. Your mission is to fight for the empire. Believe me, in the future, you will realize that being an emperor * * is something to be proud of. Whether your ambition or belief will be found will make you feel regretful. Let Drizzt come to me.
Drizzt is still the most classic response, silently nodded and turned and walked out of the room.
Orca sat alone in her room, her hands crossed and her eyes rested on her jaw. Unconsciously, she stepped out of the window lattice and merged into the vast blue sky. Her thoughts fluttered until a footstep interrupted Orca’s trance.
"Orca seems to have something on your mind?" Patour’s tone sounds like a frivolous and casual time a year ago, and it seems that he is completely different from the mastermind who almost successfully arrested Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table not long ago.
"Hehe, you’re young." After hearing Patour’s words, Oka couldn’t help laughing and cursing. He got up and walked to the side of the wine cabinet and said, "The rebellion in Wales will be settled in a few days, and then the administrative division will be re-divided. Although the agricultural reform is very busy, it is not a difficult problem. Compared with when we first arrived in Britain, the situation is now great. What am I worried about?"
Wow ~ ~ ~ The crystal clear glass was quickly filled with dark red’ color’ and fragrant wine as the sweet liquid flowed, and came to sit in front of Patour with a soft cushion and handed him a cup of Orca. He also sat aside and took a sip of the wine in the glass, which was never very relaxed in body or expression.
Patour, who was also carrying sweet wine from Italian soil, glanced at Okada and paused, but said, "You are really hard, but your achievements are worthwhile. At the beginning, I didn’t dare to imagine that you could really bring a mess of hemp Britain back to imperial control."
"Ha ha ~ ~" Oka thinks that the number of laughs today is probably the most and the most enjoyable in months. "You are good at flattery."
"I’m not flattering" Patour smell speech but some discontentedly muttered.
"Good brothers have achieved today’s achievements only by myself. How many nails can they hit even if they are covered in iron?" Stop laughing. Oka looked at Patour seriously and said, "Now all we have is that we work together to pay sweat and sacrifice bit by bit. Can outsiders know?"
When it comes to this Orca’s sudden tone, a heavy face flashed a trace of sadness’ color’, and Patour soon remembered the unfortunate death of Orca, and lost his life in the middle of the road. Reese couldn’t help but feel deeply sad. In my mind, the scenes of life and death that several people lived together in the military camp and got along with each other were constantly flashing.
"However, the hard work has finally paid off and the hardships have finally passed temporarily." At this moment, Oka’s tone suddenly cheered up. "When the situation in Britain stabilizes, I will also go to Rome to report on my work. General Diodor West has gone to the east to take up the post of Augustus, but he has accidentally relapsed because of his sad brother’s death. He has been recovering from his illness in Constantinople and has been delayed in returning to the west. I must go to Rome to meet the Gratian Hall in person to get Rome’s support for our future plans."
"oh? Oka, have you really decided to attack the north? " Patour’s eyes are already shining at this time, just like seeing a fishy cat. "This is a big deal. It is really necessary to get the approval of Rome before you can act. But will it be a bit hasty to start now? Maybe we will be more sure of winning when Britain recovers for a year or two?"
"Don’t worry about Patour. I just went to Rome to get the award first." Oka immediately explained the implied admonition meaning in Patour’s words. "The key to the northern expedition with complex terrain and deep-rooted barbarian forces is to be patient. I won’t be impatient. Don’t worry, but the opportunity can’t be left in front of us. It’s an excellent opportunity for us to benefit from the Germanic Celtic war. We can benefit from the fishermen without getting involved. We can vigorously develop agriculture, commerce and handicrafts by reforming the unique natural conditions.
Patour is very much in favor of the idea of Oka, and it was also decided by everyone through consultation a few days ago that Patour was a little worried that Oka would be shaken by quick success and instant benefit, but Oka’s explanation completely dispelled Patour’s only doubt that Oka was still wise and didn’t get carried away by victory. Patour looked at Oka and suddenly he couldn’t help being in a trance. Maybe Oka could become a powerful figure in the future!
Oka is ignorant of his partner’s thoughts in front of him. He thinks about it himself and then just said, "But these are all things left behind. The most worth looking forward to is to solve the Welsh problem perfectly." Please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
Section seventy-nine Paper defense line
Section seventy-nine Paper defense line
Welsh front
At this time, several days have passed since the Savoy Iraq War. With the gradual stability of South Wales and the arrival of garrison troops from other counties, the main force of the province, Jing Rui, has got away from maintaining local security in an orderly manner and quickly gathered in North Wales to prepare for the war in Ain Luli, Romarie, less than two miles from the Sainte River.
Zhongjun tent in Ainu Roman camp
Darryl, the supreme commander of the body, is now working with the staff officers of the head of the army to make a "fine" sand table after careful exploration by the scouts in advance, and is nervously discussing the defense strategy for attacking the Sainte River in carnarvon.
"… Commander’s Pavilion So you still insist on the pre-war plan and want to capture Abel Leniog in one fell swoop by launching a raid from behind the enemy through the navy to form a double attack on the rebels entrenched in Carnarvon Castle?"
Speaking is the first mountain in Britain, corps commander, Delaville? It’s no wonder that Sammot’s tone seems to be a little "exciting". Delaville, a famous iron-blooded general in the provincial army, has always advocated that the Chinese forces should defeat the enemy head-on and win the victory. This time, in the face of the Pandegon family’s reliance on the golden soup to defend the anti-River defense line, De Laver also did not hesitate to say that he should rely on strong forces to directly and head-on the breakthrough to completely disintegrate the rebels’ will, so that the castle might be consolidated.
However, from the look of other generals, it is obvious that his battle plan is too aggressive and tough, which is not optimistic for most generals, but it is quite appetizing for some high-ranking young generals who are hot-blooded and have made meritorious deeds through counterinsurgency, so they have expressed their support.
"Delaville, please pay attention to your identity and tone."
Delaville the words sound just fell next to a serious voice suddenly sounded.
"Oh, I’m sorry." When Delaville heard this "kiss" with a slight accusation, he immediately became shocked. He seemed to realize how presumptuous his speech was just now, and immediately he was absorbed in thinking about it. Daryl bowed down and said, "Please forgive the commander for being" excited "and offensive at the end."
The thought of "Er" was interrupted. Darryl looked up in a daze as if he had ignored the situation just now. He glanced at the respectful Delaville’s eyes and then turned to one side. When he saw the solemn expression on the latter’s face, Darryl smiled and seemed to understand what happened. He waved his hand at random and said, "Why don’t General Delaville ignore your rank in military intelligence consultation?"
Darryl smiled and scanned all the generals, especially when he stayed in some generals’ bodies, but he was full of encouragement. At the same time, he was the commander of an army and the governor of a province, but he could condescend to be so humble.
So a blade of armor clanged in the sand table, and the left and right generals turned around and saluted Darryl.
"All right, all right, the army is wise and brave, but it doesn’t need to be like this." Seeing that people are so "color" in Daryl’s face does not change, he smiles slightly and points to the sand table in front of him. "Let’s continue to discuss military intelligence."
Darryl said that people will continue to have a heated discussion on natural compliance, but when talking, both Darryl and the concerned generals will soon find that the idea of Raiders Plan is gradually becoming more and more popular. There are three main points.
First, the generals insisted that we should look for the weak link of the Sainte River defense line first and then break through the last castle in Kana. They suggested that we should directly choose to send people to surrender, and the Pandegon family would not give up a glimmer of hope in despair, which also saved a lot of trouble and unnecessary sacrifice.
On the other hand, the young generals of Qingyi should immediately adjust and make all kinds of "fine" siege equipment, and the thunderous attack will make the morale low. The rebels are short of troops, and then they will send the "fine" sharp reserve team to the west suddenly, which is very sure to tear the Sainte River defense line and completely crush the resistance will of the remaining rebels.
On the other hand, the third party is mainly composed of several military chiefs except Delaville. They can make a comprehensive choice based on the current situation. The rebels are already turtles in a jar, but the provinces are sure to win. At this time, you don’t have to be too rigid. You can take more breakthroughs, that is, you can take a comprehensive approach to attack the enemy from the sea while trying to break through the river bank defense line.
In the end, everyone will be able to look to Darryl for advice. Only Darryl can make a decision here.
Darryl, holding his chin in his hand, sank for a moment and suddenly threw his command staff on the sand table. "Now that the rebels have become trapped animals, what’s the chance to test the coordination of the various corps?" In the name of the supreme commander, I ordered a comprehensive strategy to break through and completely destroy the rebels! "
No more talk. Darryl ordered everyone to follow suit!
"Yes!" People drink together and morale is boiling.
"Very good morale can be received, and the staff Committee will formulate specific action plans and then reach the ministries respectively."
An hour after the military meeting.
Boo-hoo ~ ~ ~ I heard the deep horn sounded for several miles, and the whole huge Roman camp was suddenly full of people and noise! Seeing teams of Roman soldiers in shirts pouring out of the barracks and then quickly forming a neat queue, the officers at the bottom ordered them to divide the road along the camp in an orderly way and gathered outside the east gate of the camp without any congestion. After all the members arrived, the horn came to an abrupt end and was replaced by a short sharp flute.
In the flute, the army was dark and pulled towards the forest not far from the camp. Soon, the huge army disappeared into the dense forest, and then it was not long before the forest came into full swing. A total of 10,000 laborers, plus advanced tools and engineers’ guidance, could produce enough "fine" siege equipment in a short time.
At the same time, the provincial fleet coming from the southern sea is also secretly preparing for landing. In the evening, an eagle flag corps will be ordered to board the ship and detour the Angxi Peninsula behind the rebels, where the corps will land at night and then raid the unguarded Abel Leniog Castle. After the fall, they will defend the castle and pose a fatal threat to carnarvon from the rear.
In addition, the Second Mountainous Corps will also leave the camp quietly and secretly tonight and go to the Sainte River to explore the land. When the roving army launches a frontal feint, they can wait for an opportunity to respond to the attack by’ pumping’ troops to support the roving defense line.
However, due to the terrain limitation, the Eagle Knights played its own advantages in the decisive battle. In view of the increasingly fierce Celtic-Germanic war in the north and the lack of strategic mobility of the border army, Darryl ordered the Knights to leave Wales on a starry night and go to Hadrian to help, where he was personally sitting in Orca.
Just on the other side of the Siante River, when the Roman army was vigorously arranging and preparing for the war, the weather on the other side of the river was completely different
Wide rivers, strong fortresses, continuous watchtowers, sufficient weapons and food, the Pandegon family spared no expense to send sweet wine and family servants and daughters to the front line to compensate the soldiers, hoping that they could hold on to the defense line. All this is doubtful that the Sainte River is an insurmountable natural barrier, but it is not the case in front of us.
Low morale, clever expression, hesitant and secretive talk about the soldiers’ defense line gives people the impression that instead of being nervous and efficient before preparing for the war, the rebels seem to have lost their fighting spirit and are perfunctory with the prison guards of Pandegon family.
"What should I do? Are we still here? Maybe the Romans will attack tomorrow and we will all die here! "
"Fuck, he always wants the old man to be cannon fodder for their dying family. You want to run as soon as God fights!"